what's wrong with me? 😔

Sad day today. I feel like it's all fell on my shoulders all of a sudden. Will we ever get pregnant? 
After having a miscarriage, I've had nothing but an empty feeling within myself and my home. Our baby might not have ever been here but the house is missing our little peanut ❤️ 
We've been trying for well over a year now (approaching 2 years) and still nothing and truthfully, it's getting to me. I feel like I'm failing, I can't seem to do the one thing all women were put here to do and I'm sad. 
Do I just give up? Do any other ladies have the "baby blues"? 😔 
I'm fed up of the doctors and the heartbreak when my period comes, the excitement every month when I feel even slightly sick or have back ache and convince myself I'm pregnant. 
Will I ever be a mom? Are there other routes for me? 😔💙❤️