I'm freaked out and scared to death😭

sidra • Being A Wife & Mother Is The Best Job I Ever Had And The Only One I Never Quit!❤️

My 6year old had her ears pierced on her birthday and I was told to keep it cleaned and twist the earring around when ever I get chance, I have been doing that but lately she has been in her nan house so couldn't keep eye so today she came back

I saw dried blood on her eyes so was cleaning it and suddenly she wouldn't talk and started to fall so I grabbed her to stop her from falling and she fell onto the bed and I thought I was going to die when I saw her shaking her hands and leg was shaking, I screamed and that when she screamed out mum I'm scared help and quickly hugged her and calmed her down while she was shaking.

I checked her heartbeat it seemed normal and her breathing normal and she seems back to normal

My heart come out of my mouth, I really badly want to cry I feel scared what happened to her that time😭 I'm her mum love her to bits dont know what happened at that moment I'm just really scared to even clean her earring now.

I'm thinking of taking her to doctors for check up or did she get too scared and then she had that attack she never had that Kind of fainting or shaking at all,

I don't think I can sleep tonight just too scared


Went emergency to hospital they did ECG and did other test and said everything was normal dr think she probably was too scared when I was cleaning her earring so we back home now after good 1hr wait but atleast it put my mind to ease but had to explain to my daughter she needs to tell me when she is scared and all that.

Thank god she is still safe no serious problem