stupid af, send help (what would you do)

All right babes I've got a quick question. There is this guy that I spoken to tinder. I've never met him in person, but I would like to. However our conversations have been incredibly succinct. We've only messaged twice, usually starting with me saying hello or something, then he'll answer, then I'll respond, and then nothing. The last time he said I should friend him on Facebook and add him on Instagram. So now I'd like to message him on Facebook and see if he would like to meet up or something, but that leads me to this: my friend thinks I shouldn't even bother with it because he seems disinterested but i want to give him the benefit of the doubt (he's military so probably working a lot) plus we don't know each other so it's not like we're friends. So should i? And if so, would inviting him out be too creepy, or just keep it at a how's it going?

I want to believe there's no such thing as a stupid question but this totally is. But be gentle with me. Shameful at my age to say but I hardly ever talk to any guys so this is really new.


So it ain't all that important but I asked him a couple weeks ago. He said it would depend on how his week went and whether or not he had the energy. So I figured when the time rolled around I would let him bring it back up. Alas he did not, so...there's that. Thank you guys