I am so broken hearted and I have no clue why.


I know this guy for 15 years now and we dated on and off for the last 15 years. We live 40 miles away from each other. At some point I met someone else and I had a 7 year relationship, but we still talked and stayed friends. I think he didn't pursue our relationship because of the 40 miles distance.

Any way. In 2010 I broke up with my boyfriend of 7 years and move to my friend's town. I was not looking for him. He was always looking for me. We saw each other again and he wasn't clear about what he wanted. He later said he didn't want to brake up with his girlfriend yet. I didn't even know he had a girlfriend. Then we stopped talking to again for 3 years.

He contacted me again in 2014. He had moved to Texas and told me he was starting alone. We talked and I just was all cool. I met him again and just talked for a little bit and had a drink.

We t texted occasionally in 2015. Then He contacted me again in 2016 and we met 2 times and he told me he was living the country and wanted to start a relationship with me. I accepted because I was really stupid. He told me on the phone he didn't know when he was coming back.

It was hard for me and we just stopped talking again.

Again he contacted me for my birthday last year in September. He some how convinced me to continue with his bullshit and come to see him in the country he is living. Since then we have been having this thing of when he is coming back and me moving with him in the city he used to live.

Today, he completely broke my heart and I cried like I never had for some one. I literally fell my lower left chest hurting. Until I prayed to God to help me and acknowledged the awful feeling he caused in my heart.

He decided to stay there and did not tell me. I just figured out by what he told me today in a phone conversation. Ten I messages him telling him I realized he made up his mind of stating and that I was happy for him and wished him the best.

All the FUCKING asshole said was, 'Yes, I am. Thank you.' He didn't even said he was sorry for continuing hurting me and just stringing me along. I am so broken and he doesn't deserve it. I know because he's never done anything for our relationship to world. He just starts me and then he stalls and pulls away. Then comes back. I don't know what to do. I need a friend 😭