Heart defect


So I just need some reassurance or maybe some advice. I was born with a heart defect, I was born with 3 holes in my heart that healed up before I was 9yrs old. I am now currently pregnant and have had my anatomy scan and there wasn't anything wrong with it. My baby looked all good, but they did recommend that I get a fetal echo done. So I'm just wondering is it a waste of my time and money to get it done? My mother is a RN nurse and has asked fetal doctors that she works with and they said that they wouldn't even recommend it. Cause I didn't just have the regular anatomy scan I had the 40 picture one where they look closely at my babies heart and nothing was wrong. They said the fetal echo would be a "precautionary" measure just because I had a heart defect. But I feel like they're just pushing unnessary testing onto me. If someone could give me their opinion that would be great. And if that one person who says you should just do it because it's your baby just not comment that would be great thanks.