The fatigue is debilitating.. 😴😴😴😴

Karlee β€’ Boy Mom Survivor πŸ’™πŸ˜‚

Anyone else feel like this? I'm 8 weeks today and I can hardly function I'm so tired; and usually I'm a very active, energetic person. This isn't like a "I slept for three hours and tired" feeling. This is a "I've only slept three hours in the last three days and ran two marathons" type of tired. I wake up every morning with the biggest bags under my eyes and they're so puffy I can hardly open them. I'm still trying to exercise as much as I can to help with it, but this is rough. I always thought being sick would be my worse symptom but that's manageable for me. Anyone got advice? I'm really looking forward to the second trimester and hopefully getting my energy back... 😴😴😴