Over it


So this is baby number 5 for me, I was done at number four but little did I know God had other plans. So I had trouble embracing the whole pregnancy thing in the beginning and I'm still trying to get use to it. Now others are so happy for us, which I am glad about, my sister wanted to do a gender reveal party, I declined. My mom wants to throw me a baby shower but I'm still on the fence about it, i at first said no. I thought maybe if I went and did the whole 3D/4d ultrasound and found out the gender of my baby I'd be more excited. Well found out it was a girl and I'm still not feeling it. I don't know what's wrong with me, why I can't seem to enjoy this pregnancy as much as everyone is telling me that I should,My mom said if someone wants to do something for me then I should let them do it. I just want it to be December already, have my daughter and move forward cause to me being kicked in the bladder all day isn't fun and that's exactly what's happening lol so please anyone tell me I'm not alone in feeling this way, I'm 33 years old and my body now hurts way more then it should, I'm over it.