Breastfeeding is way different than I thought it'd be

Angelina • 26. 9 years w/ my love. Married 💍 I'm an artist, nature lover, Crystal collector, mommy to 2 doggies and our babies, Lilliana 5/26/16 & Elena 5/10/19

I'm just going to throw it out there that I have gained so much insight and respect for parents who choose to breastfeed their children. Not because we're "better" than those that bottle feed, which we aren't by the way (Not better, just different) but because I never realized how much work it is to breastfeed. Before becoming a mother I'd laugh when I heard people say breastfeeding is hard. Which I think is a common misconception for those that haven't done it. How could a natural function in your body be hard? Well. To put it bluntly, its draining...and at times painful. No one tells you about their dry, cracked, and bleeding nipples. Or the times they spend crying out of frustration when their newborn baby has trouble latching. Or the hours they spend during the day pumping milk. Dont forget that babies eventually get teeth. Yes they bite. and yes it hurts. But that's just one nipple. They play with and pinch the other one simultaneously, you can see her doing it in the picture in fact, and that also hurts. Especially if you're like me and arent on top of trimming the nails more than once a week 😧 Ive breast fed Lilliana since day one, and while she hasnt been exclusively breastfed the ENTIRE time (she stopped taking formula at about 6 months old so thats 8 months exclusively breastfed) I'm still very proud of myself for sticking it out these past 14 and a half months. Its been so exhausting but Im happy to do it since Im able to and give all these extra nutrients and antibodies that you dont get in formula. Not only am I helping her health, but mine as well. You're less likely to develope breast cancer if you breastfeed, and burning the extra calories is nice too 😉 So here's to you, fellow breastfeeding mommas. I applaud applaud you for all your hard work, and for the moms that weren't able to do this or reach their goal, I applaud you for trying! 💕💕