Plan B *Update*


Hey guys, this is my first post on here. I searched this topic on here and the posts are pretty old so I thought I would ask. My Fiancé and I had unprotected sex on Sunday August 6th. We both decided that Plan B was a good option (we are getting married in April, Whoops) I took plan be on Monday August 7th at 10AM. However, I looked at my chart and it said that I was in peak ovulation. So, I decided to grab some ovulation predictors to ease my mind. On Monday they were very close to a positive (tested at 10am), so I thought I was in the clear. On Tuesday, I took another Ovulation test (10AM)(to see if Plan B counter acted LH Surge) and it was positive. I've heard that once the LH surge starts Plan Bs effectiveness in reducing ovulation goes down. *UPDATE* So I'm currently 7PDO and I've had light cramping/twinges on my left side for about 4 days. When I was at the gym yesterday I felt a strong cramp on my left side and then I went home and saw very light pink spotting when I wiped. since then, the cramps and twinges are rare but I'm a little more gassy. My period is due Monday and I got a BFN this morning. Is it too early to test or are Plan B side effects continuing? Advice from others who have taken plan b or anyone have an idea?