Feeling cramp from Tuesday morning on an off cramps,wasn't regular pains,i didn't wanted to ...

Feeling cramp from Tuesday morning on an off cramps,wasn't regular pains,i didn't wanted to go to the hospital cause the contractions wasn't close they were far apart untill my lil sis say go now so i went to maternity ward,told them about my cramps sit down packing out her stuff not even sit for 5min nurse call me to examine me...I was 4cm dilated ct machine on me baby heart rate too high 168-170 its going,nurse gives me oxygen fluid to bring down her heart rate but it still didn't work,am in labor for 3/4 hours pain started to hit me more and more i was 7cm still too far for me to push,doctor didn't wanna take no chance with such high heartrate for me to push...Dr says i got to do a c-section fast before baby heartrate started to fall...I have decided and sign to it...Went to theater 19mins to 7pm baby aneila born at 7:14pm....Pretty bouncing baby girl weigh 3.2kg length 45cm...Such a joy to have a baby i would do it all over again although pain is hot....I recover around something after 9.....Finally my baby is my arms...