Heart defect, but still perfection!
Baby Adrian Elias was born on 8/8: Due date was 8/10. Being at high risk pregnancy, due to baby having a ASD (heart defect) I was emotionally done. After going to my 38wk apt, was 2cm dilated, 50% effaced, -3 station, but left with a failed membrane sweep. I was so distraught, I have had contractions that were every 5-7m apart, & was told I was in prodominal labor. I went on to my 39wk apt, & still was at 2cm 😭 I was so upset, but Dr. stated we can induce. But it will have to be sometime this week. Receptionist at the hospital loves me so she found a spot, that same DAY 😊 After having two natural births before, my plan was to go without pain medications again. BOY WAS I WRONG. The contractions were so INTENSE. Pitocin is NO JOKE! Would not recommend inducement unless it's medically necessary or you are ready to expect way more intense contractions. 7:30pm on 8/7 I was told to check in. I didn't get a room until 2hrs later. Talk about ANXIETY. lol I finally was settled in around 11pm. They finally came around, and since it was very busy, and baby needed a NICU team in the room on stand by due to his condition, they were trying to find the right way to help me dilated. They placed a Foley Balloon, and fell out less than 15m. Once it came out I went automatically to 3cm dilated. They then put me on pitocin, and gave me the first round. It was so tolerable. But then by the third round (without telling me they bumped it up) the baby's heart started decelerating. They had me flip on my left side, and it had finally stabilized. Those contractions were so bad, I had asked for a Yoga ball, and it did not help at all! They checked me, and I was 5cm and it was already 8am. I was like screw it, I give up GIVE ME THE JUICE! I am so terrified of needles that is why I gave birth naturally the first two times. But BOY, did I feel wonderful after that. I asked my step mother why in the world did we do it natural, this is the best drug ever haha.. I was so out of it lol.. by 9am I was fully dilated but couldn't feel my legs lol so they popped my water bag, and said they would return in an hour. So I was talking, enjoying everyone in the room, and was so thankful for not being in the pain I was in hours prior. 9:50am they came in for to do "practice pushes" and if I couldn't progress they were going to go to another room. NICU team was there, and once they checked me his head was literally RIGHT THERE 😂 I pushed once, and they told me to STOP and laughed, she was like okay let's get suited up, all of them started putting their gowns and mask, It was the funniest thing ever, it did help that my uncle was cracking up jokes in the back ground and started literally laughing him out. My step mother told me exactly what was going on, every time she seen progress. I finally had his head out, and did a Kourtney Kardashian and literally pulled my baby out myself. 😂 Weighing 7lbs 12oz exactly 20in, @ 10:06am my baby boy was in my arms. Pushed for 14m in total. Daddy got to cut the cord, and the NICU team took over in the room just to check him. No need to stay in the NICU, which I am so grateful! But will need open heart surgery later on in life. We are happily home, and everything was perfect. Happy born day Adrian Elias 💙h

Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.