RAINBOW BABY !!!!!!! Excitement

Aryanna 👑 • loading......

After the loss of our twin daughters last year in October at 21 weeks my fiance and i have been trying again since about december or January to no avail my papsmears were coming back abnormal my hormones were out of wack my nothing was working at all smh .... low and behold my obgyn prescribed me birth control pills to see if it would regulate my hormones a littlw more maybe i needed a little help well 3/4 months went by and i also had appointments with my primary and had a hospital trip once for falling my pregnanct test came back negative both times at the hospital they even performed an xray on me on july 26th for my visit smh so august 4th rolled around a meet up with my midwife so that we could start the ball rolling on hormone treatments x ( clomid ) .... well after i meet the family planner they ask me to pee to check for infections ...as im waiting for the family planner to come back in .. whoms taking super long she comes in with the midwife im thinking i had a deadly 😭😭 disease .. She says well mrs murray . this appointment is gonna be pushed to an initial prenatal visit on the 1st ... im at this point in total shock she says your pt came back positive !!!! the bc pill hormone regulation worked !!!i am so beyond thrilled you wouldnt understand my heart is so much lighter 🙌 i also tooj a at home pt 3 days ago because i just couldnt believe it here we are 🙌 im so excited !!