34 Weeks Preterm Labor Story.
August 10th I woke up feeling nauseous and I had some lower back pain. However I had a doctors appointment to get ready for so I just brushed it off. Once I got to the doctor, it was a normal checkup. Baby girl measured great and was too active for a steady read on her heart rate. Nothing new there. I asked my doctor about my back pain and she said "that's the baby lowering on all your ligaments. You're almost at the end."
No kidding! After feeling uncomfortable all day, I decided to make supper instead of going out. Halfway through cooking, my back pain got worse and I started having Braxton hicks. I got my husband to finish up supper while I relaxed in the tub.
Only this time the 'Braxton hicks' never went away. They started getting stronger and I got a bit of pressure like I had to go to the bathroom. It literally hurt to bend over or sit down. So after an hour of realizing they weren't slowing down. Hubby frantically throws together a little "hospital bag" bless his heart he tried 😂❤️ and we headed to the hospital.
As soon as I walk through the doors I'm whisked away in a wheel chair and quickly put in a laboring room. This got my anxiety up. I was just cooking supper.. now I'm in a labor room with four different nurses hooking me to monitors and having me sign papers.
After making sure baby girl was stable and doing good my doctor checks me, I'm dilated to a one. The look on my poor husbands face. We have two more showers to attend and our maternity pictures to take. Having our girl today was not in our plan! But we couldn't help feeling excited/anxious. This is our first baby so anything not in "our plan" takes us for a loop. I'm learning babies make their own plans on their own time.
After trying to relax my contractions, the nurse comes in and says they would like to stall labor for at least two more weeks. She gave me a shot (not sure what it's called) and contractions quickly come to a stop. I was severely dehydrated so I was in need of a bag of fluids before I was discharged. Who knew early labor contractions could make your belly so sore!
So here's to laying in bed praying baby girl can hold on a couple more weeks! Her due date is September 20th!

Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.