I was leaking for about a week, I thoughts was silently peeing on myself, Woke up on the 2nd with cr...

I was leaking for about a week, I thoughts was silently peeing on myself, Woke up on the 2nd with cramps thought the were Braxton Hicks but they weren't. Went to the hospital the took a culture of the fluid and said it was in deed my broken water they admitted me. Check me I was 3 CM abd 90% effaced. Still having contractions but they weren't that bad. They give me my iv set me up on heart monitor and compassion monitor. I get a steroid shot for babies lungs I'm was 36 weeks and 4 days. No petocin because they wanted me to dialate on my own. Before I got the second steroid shot. Well I didn't got the second shot and contractions started coming. We move to delivery room. On Friday. I get the epidural at first it didn't even work I felt everything all the contractions from 3cm to 6. So they redid my epidural and life was grand. I was sleep through everything lol. But I could feel baby moving down cause the pressure in my butt. So they check me again. And I'm completely dialated. I pushed for 23 minutes. She was born at 6:43 5lbs 9oz 18inches long