Just found out

Tianna 🌷

Hey y'all! I am 25 years old and I was just diagnosed with endometriosis yesterday. My husband and I have been TTC for 4 years. I went to the doctor about a month ago after experiencing severe pelvic and ovary pain. They did a pelvic exam and notice I had a 3.5 cm cyst on my right ovary and fluid around my womb. She schedule me for surgery to get a laparoscopy to remove the cyst with possible right ovary removal. The plan after that was to check my tubes and if all planned good she would start me on clomid. Well it didn't go as planned and When I woke up she informed me I had endometriosis and would have to do <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> to get pregnant. I was still loopy and didn't ask much and I have my appointment in 2 days to discuss everything. But I have so many questions I want answered now !!!

But I just wanted to find out if it's possible to still conceive without <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>. What are my other options! Thank you for your time 💗🙏🏽j

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It's possible! I too have endo and a questionable left fallopian tube. I had my first lap May 2016 with my obgyn. After that surgery he diagnosed me with stage 3 endometriosis, removed 2 cyst one of my left and one of my right and told me my left fallopian tube was completely closed. He said he didn't think I could get pregnant naturally but said it wasn't impossible he just didn't know. I had 2 misscarrages before my 1st lap. I didnt want to give up hope. I still had a lot of pain after the lap. I was back and forth to his office with no relief. He told me at my last visit there was nothing he could do for me anymore. He recommended a full hysterectomy. I told him I still wanted more kids. I was only 30 at the time.I have a healthy 11 year and didn't want to give up. I knew I could get pregnant I just needed someone to believe me. I decided to leave his office and search for the best GYN out there. I found him! I had another lap done April 2017. my 2nd in a year. He found more endo and my intestines was adhered to my left tube which was causing it to be closed and found varicose veins in my pelvic area which was causing the pain. He also found that my hormones were off. I kept telling my 1st doc that I felt I had a hormone imbalance and he didn't listen. After my 2nd lap I was pain free. I could have sex without pain again. He put me on Clomid to increase my chances of getting pregnant. I took the first round June 2017. I hated the way it made me feel. I decided to take July 2017 off so I could spend time with family that was coming into town. I just found out that we got pregnant without any meds or help. We have been trying for another baby for 7 and 1/2 years. It's still early. Im only 4 weeks today. But yes it possible. Never give up hope. Sorry this is so long. I just wanted to share my story with you.


Tianna 🌷 • Aug 14, 2017
Wow thank you for sharing your story! I love feeling like there is still hope to get pregnant naturally! I just had my lab last week so we are gonna try to get prefab to now that I found out my left tube is open and it's possible! Praying for a healthy pregnancy for you!


Posted at
I have endometriosis mostly on my right ovary and it's stage 3. I thought that was it. I'm 34 & been ttc 30 months. I just got diagnosed with pcos 3 months ago because of ACANTHOSIS NIGRICANS symptoms and got placed on Metformin.All my other tests were normal. Fallopian tubes are open, ovarian reserve is normal, thyroid levels are normal... but I was never told outrightly that I need IVF right away. It's probably your doctor's way of saving you the "what if we try oral pills for a few months.... what if we try IUI for a few months..." and just go straight to IVF to save you the harrowing waiting and hoping for many, many months...Talk to your doctor about how extensive your endometriosis. I suggest you see an Endocrinologist (not a fertility endocrinologist yet as they will just have you on a "step" program) and have the hormones checked out.


Brie • Sep 1, 2017
She's a decade younger than us.... She does still have hope... My sister has been stage 3 since she had her first cyst rupture when she was 22- and we nicknamed her "fertile murtle". No issues w/ovulating or getting pregnant young- now she's nearing 30 and it's hard. Age is a big factor.


Posted at
It's such a tough condition to deal with, both because of the physical pains it causes, and emotional when TTC :( Hopefully my experience perks your spirits up a bit though! When I was 29, hubby and I had been trying for about a year and a half to conceive with ZERO luck. Up until that point my cycles had always been 29-30 days spot on. All of a sudden I was 2 weeks late, getting negatives on all home tests. Praying that a blood test would give us happy news, we went in to the hospital where I found out for the first time I had cysts on both ovaries, and no baby. I went to a specialist who advised me to schedule a lap surgery as the first step, and to do it immediately- due to my age, I was losing time. The catch 22 she added however, was that scarring from the surgery can often also impede conception- so my chances weren't looking stellar.I felt completely devastated and hopeless. How could I not have known until then?! I decided to take a step back, and revisit surgery after that summer (hubby and I had 3 destination weddings most that we were in) so life was stressful enough. Towards the end of that summer I had the 3rd crazy late get my hopes up type cycle, and then AF. By the end of September, little did I know, my 4th crazy cycle was all due to my now 2 year old spunky little daughter 😍😜❤️When I went in for my first of many ultrasounds, it was discovered 2 cysts (chocolate cysts- the kind indicative of endo) had doubled on one side and almost tripled on the other. I started crying and panicking asking if it would harm the pregnancy. My doctor informed me that my baby, a miracle in her opinion, would be absolutely fine, and that pregnancy would actually help to dissolve the cysts. She actually told me I was beyond lucky to have conceived because the surgery I would have needed to remove those cysts would definitely have caused significant scarring, and further fertility issues. It had taken almost 2 years- but at 29 I got my miracle baby with no surgical/medicinal intervention. So it can happen :)I'm TTC #2 now, due to a c-section had to wait longer to start than desired. It's taking awhile and I had a MC in May- but I'm still hopeful. 3 days late today, and begging AF to stay the hell away!Good luck to you 💕😁


Brie • Sep 1, 2017
You are so welcome! But no need for thanks! I am so appreciative for this app! I used to think it was just goofy to track cycles and symptoms! I was so sadly mistaken. There are real women, and real no bs, no sugarcoated everyday scenarios we face and get hands on ability to share and learn from. Yay! Anything I can share from experience- I hope will help others :) This month, AF ended up coming 8 days late for me- not a regular period, so I'm sure Endo is back in full swing. The bleeding was not heavy, clotty and crazy as my endo tends to be (fyi- endo is a different beast for different women) I am now 32, it's been about 18 months trying hardcore, we've had 1 confirmed MC, and as of late this weird cycle upset- so I may have to grit my teeth and explore lap surgery. BUT- you my dear are young- and you have time :)


Tianna 🌷 • Aug 28, 2017
Thank you so much for your inspiring story! So happy you had a miracle and fingers crossed for your next 💕💕💕💕💕