In memory

Kelly • I have two beautiful children paisley grace and Joshua Christopher and an amazing husband of 6 years they are my world!

So Me and my husband new that soon we were going to start trying for baby number 2 and we wanted to have a boy since our first was our beautiful baby girl paisley, we'll June 25th I lost my little brother(my only brother) in a car accident ((he would be turning 24 tomorrow)), which is why this is weighing so heavy on my heart right now, this has been the hardest thing I have ever dealt with , last week my husband decided that if god blesses us with a boy that we would name him after him in his memory and when he mentioned that it melted my heart, because he knows how bad this experience has been for me and how hard it is, my little brother and me were close since we were the only siblings. Even though I will be happy with the child that god blesses me with, it will be so much more amazing now more then ever if he will bless us with a boy. But I just wanted to post this so maybe I can get a little baby boy dust thrown my way from all of you, and to just share this with all of you. It hurts more then anything in the world to lose someone you love and this being the only person close to me I have ever lost I have so much sympathy and love for those who ever have to go through this pain. But thanks for listening and please no hurtful comments, wasn't even sure wanted to post this. But I feel like people on these pages are just so supportive and caring and maybe just maybe I get enough prayers from everyone for a boy I might just get it!!! Thanks so much...