Legend at the Hospital..

Samantha • Mother of a handsome 20 month old boy, and 2 month old boy!

So while my baby sleeps and I have some postpartum cramping, I figure my birth is still fresh in my memory to type out! I went to the hospital saturday night with contractions. They were about 3 minutes apart and I was 39 weeks and 6 days. I was hooked up to the NST machines and they monitored my contractions, after being at a 2 for so long, I was a 3 but wasnt making a bunch of progress. The doctor had me stay and walk around for a couple hours.. I was so sure she was going to just send me home after that. Well, after walking 2 miles in laps in the labor unit, I felt a big gush come from down under. I figured it was a big piece of my plug at first, and put a pad on in my triage room. I layed down for a bit on the monitors and noticed my little guys heart rate would go down with contractions occasionally. I pointed it out, but it didnt seem to worry them at first, so I decided to walk some more. I started realizing my water broke, because every time I coughed or laughed too hard I felt more gushing! I asked my doctor to check me, and she just visually looked down there and said "No, I think its still there". Well, one of the nurses finally said that she was worried about the decels in Camerons heart, and they decided to induce me! They started me on pitocin at around 1 am on my due date. By 3:30 AM my contractions were getting harder and I got my epidural. BEST EPIDURAL EVER. The anesthesiologist definitely had my back (literally and figuratively) I didnt feel very much of anything. By 6 AM I was at a 4 and they finally gave me an examination and guess what? "Oh wow! Looks like we were wrong, your water did break last night!" HMMMMM. I know!!!!!! Well, his heart beat kept deceling at this point and I was starting to worry. By 9:30 they were prepping me for a C Section. Scariest moment ever. I kept crying because I wanted to push so bad, but his heart kept going into the 50s. I literally was put on the OR table, and given the C section meds to make me lose all feeling in my body. I was 2 seconds from being cut open, when his heart went up! I could push!!!! They held my legs up, and ladies even though I couldnt feel anything below the boob, I tried to push as hard as I damn could! I gave birth to my 6 lb 7oz sweet boy, right there in the Operating room after 4 sets of last minute pushing. All of the doctors and nurses were amazed. He was born with the cord around his neck. (Hence the Decels in his heart) had I not been at the hospital, I probably would have lost him. He is PERFECT and healthy as can be. I healed so great, and he is breastfeeding like a champ.