wedding for remarriage


what is appropriate for a wedding when it's his 3rd and my 2nd marriage? my 1st doesnt count because it was common law and for a better tax return(feb this year). there was no wedding and he was cheating on me for a year before we split. his first 2 ended in cheating. his firat cheated on him when he was in his early 20s. the 2nd cheated on him with at least 8 people during 2 deployments. they divorced last year.

does it make me selfish or a bitch/ bad person that I'm frustrated he doesn't want a wedding at all and would rather go to the court house? i know he's done this before but i haven't. i don't want some huge elaborate thing but my kids want to be a part of it, and i want more than jeans and a tshirt. i even suggested a housewarming/ reception once we move next year and he still said no.