Should I stay??

So I have been in this long lasting state of stress. I could ask my friends and they would be supportive of whatever I decide so I figured I'd put it on here to see what unbiased opinions are. I am approaching my 3rd wedding anniversary with my husband this month. We were together for 6 years before getting married and were friends many years before that. We have a 2 year old son (who is the most amazing being I've ever laid eyes on). My husband is an alcoholic so I never come first. We started dating when I used to enjoy going out and drinking all the time. I loved him then and now realize that I've grown up and he hasn't. Some days I get home to find he's been drinking after work. Some days he doesn't and I know he's really trying but this disease is not an easy one to fight. The truth is, I don't know if I love him anymore. I'm not happy with our relationship and feel it's very one sided. I want to love him again more than anything. But I think I want that for my son so much more than for myself. He's not abusive, he's a great provider, he's loyal and a hard worker. But I need more than that. Financially I can do it on my own so that's not a concern. Should I stay with him for my sons sake? Living in a stable yet unhappy marriage. I hate the thought of sharing custody and losing precious times with my little guy who's already growing up too fast. The story is so much longer which I obviously won't post what led me to all the bitterness, but please, any advice?