I hate feeling this way

My husband and I have been together for 8 years. We dated in high school for almost a year. We broke up when I graduated because I graduated and started working full time. We stayed friends after all that. I was with my ex husband for 5 years until we started our divorce ( he cheated on me and was abusive). Well my husband swept me off my feet once again. I'm madly in love with this man. He is my best friend. I've always told him everything.

Well four years ago before we were married he came home from work one day and said he was no longer in love with me and was moving out. I have two children from a previous married and at the time only had one with him. ( we just had a baby together in November). Well I heard from one of his friends from work. ( I used to work there too) that he was talking to a girl that just got hired. They were spending all there time together.

Well I was a bartender and my two oldest were at there dads and my mil took Trevier to Ohio to see family. I had just gotten out of work and decided to go and meet up with some girlfriends. They were just dumped by my husbands cousin and brother. I'm siting at having drinks with them and he walks in with this other girl. My heart shattered right at that moment. He sees me and leaves, she comes up to me and says I am the reason he won't date her and she just wanted to sleep with him once and I could have him back. I told her to get out of my face before I knock her head off her shoulders. She leaves and I decided to call my brother to get my friends and I we went back to my house. We were split up a month and a half. At first he would pick up our son and not say a word. I asked him why we couldn't stay friends. Well he started texting me as friends. We went out together a couple times as friends. Well he started telling me he made a mistake and he loved me more than he did before. Well at first I was hesitant. I told him after two weeks of thinking on it (I just didn't want to get hurt again) that lets start fresh. And I wanted to know the truth about this girl. He insisted they were just friends. And he later purposed we got married in February of that next year. I couldn't have been happier.

Two months after we got married he got a message from a guy he worked with. He was in bed so I went to message the guy he was asleep and I would have him message you when he wakes up. As soon as I open the message there are messages of him talking about that girl. How he loved spending all his time with her. How they fell asleep watching a movie and they fell asleep she was asleep on his lap. The guy saying he doesn't need to ruin the good thing he has with her. My husband saying he was going to take it slow. These were all while we were split up.

I went in the room I'm crying I wake him up. I asked how he could hide this from me. He says he thought I would never find out and that he was so sorry he was afraid I wouldn't take him back. Fast forward to today I don't normally think about this the past is the past. Trusting him again things have been great. Then a friend calls me that had a fight with their husband ( he's a big flirt) and asks how I made it through this how I trust my husband. Well I trust that he loves me. But here I am questioning it now. I know it's been four years since this happened. I feel stupid for worrying. But it getting brought up opened the wound again. I know he wouldn't do it again but I feel ashamed it happened in the first place!


My ex husband cheated on my multiple times so it took me along time to gain confidence and to trust anyone.