He keeps breaking his promise

So me and my boyfriend live together and only in the first year he started not wanting sex as much. We went like two weeks without it between every time we did it. I was so horny and wanted intimacy with him and would try to touch him sexually and he'd tell me to stop. Then one day he went into the bedroom and laid down on his phone and I kept coming in the room asking if he was ok he said yeah. Then after like two hours I came in the room again, took his phone and saw he had porn of a woman with her huge naked ass twerking in the camera. I was so hurt and told him I am not going to tolerate him watching porn. It is juvenile and I feel like only single people should watch it. He promised he would stop. Then months later sex was almost nonexistent again and I saw he had been watching porn again. I had another talk and told him seriously, if he watched porn again I promise I would break up with him, no exceptions. So months later now I found out he has been just deleting his history better and I saw porn sites. I am just broken. I told him how it makes me feel, he KNOWS it kills me inside, but he doesn't care. He knows I just want to have a great sex life with him! He is currently acting like he doesn't care how hurt I am by this and doesn't care I told him I want us to be done for good. And it's not an actual addiction for him, it doesn't stop him from living a normal life, he CHOOSES to do this and chooses to watch porn over having sex with me. Even though I give him freaky, bomb sex every time! It sucks because otherwise I love him SO much and we have a good relationship and I wanted to marry him. FML. 💔