Sort of natural c section

Alex • Blessed to be mom to our miracle IUGR baby boy! I've never met someone as strong and brave as he is!

Okay, I think I'm ready to share Felix's birth story. So I know some of you might remember I was on hospitalized bedrest since 24 weeks when they diagnosed Felix with severe symmetrical IUGR. That was one of the scariest things we had to go through, and we really had to put all our trust in God, the nurses and the doctors.

Right around 33 weeks, the doctors kept telling us there was a big possibility of delivering Felix at 34 weeks, depending on his growth scan. Well, the whole week he started not moving as much. They kept checking him on the monitor during nsts as well as bpps and he would be fine. Well the night before the big day, he was worse on the monitor, not reactive, and he wasn't really good on bpp (2/8 score). I had already had a second dose of the steroids, and he finally was responsive on nst enough to wait until the morning.

The next morning came, and he only grew 88 grams in 2 weeks, and his nst and monitoring was again not too good. Doctor came in right away and told me delivery was a go, and definitely c section, due to his monitoring. The nurses came in and started my iv and fluids. In an hour or so, I was in pre op ready to go!

The epidural was ok, I just kept thinking how fast everything was going. I remember being impressed by how quickly things were going and I was really excited to meet Felix! Next thing I know, I'm on the operating table and my husband is there with me. They start brushing the scalpel along my abdomen asking if I can feel it. I tell them yes, but they said I should feel it, just not anything sharp. I tell them it sort of feels sharp but I'm not sure. The anesthesiologist checks and tells them and me I should be ok. They started cutting into my abdomen and I could feel it! It hurt! I told them, they stopped, then the anesthesiologist gave me some more meds... they started again and I still felt pretty bad pain when they were tugging at my uterus. The anesthesiologist had to keep giving me more meds through my iv... I was pretty out of it. They said most people's bodies respond better, but mine just didn't for whatever reason, so they had to give me the good stuff lol. Apparently they brought Felix over to me once he was born and I kissed his forehead... I don't remember any of that.

I woke up when I was back in recovery. Felix was already in the nicu, and my husband had already gone to the nicu and came back to see me by the time I woke up. My parents came in to see how I was in recovery. Once I was out of recovery, I was wheeled down to see my boy! I held his hand, he is the best! He was born 2 lbs 6 oz 14.5 in long on august 14,2017 at exactly 34 weeks! He has been breathing on his own since birth, has the cpap machine in just so he doesn't wear himself out, but it's on the lowest setting. He is doing so well, and he is so strong and brave!

My experience with the c section probably was one of the worse ones I could imagine. But I stayed calm through most of it, and I just spoke up when I was in pain. Having to be on hospitalized bedrest for so long, I really trusted my doctors and nurses... and I have had the best care here. I've made lots of new friends, and I never once felt like I wasn't being taken care of right, or that Felix wasn't being taken care of right. It's been a roller coaster ride, but Felix is of course worth it, and I don't blame anyone for any of my complications... weirdly, I've never felt in better hands!

Edited to add our pride and joy! Felix Gerard!