My birth story! 💙

Alyssa • Married | Gatlin Blake 💙 | 👼🏻 | Benjamin Case 💙

I was 38 weeks and 4 days. I went for my 38 weeks appointment(on a Monday), and was just miserable. I stayed so miserable the last couple weeks that I couldn't even stand myself lol. I had been dealing with high blood pressure for the past two months and my doctor decided to put me out of my misery, and stay on the stay side due to my BP, and she wanted to induce me that day! My husband and I got so excited! After calling all of our families and telling them to come to the hospital soon, we went down to labor and delivery. Before starting pitocin I was at 1 cm. They started pitocin around 7 o'clock. Hours has passed, they checked my cervix... nothing. Still 1 cm. They decided to wait a couple more hours, so after those hours passed, they checked me again.. still nothing. So they broke my water, and that's when those good contractions started. After 4 hours they checked me once again and I was only a 1.5 cm. So we turned to using the peanut ball, and that really got things into the swing. Tuesday morning early, at only 3 cm, I opted for the epidural, the pain had just got too bad, and I felt really down on myself because I wanted to wait until I was at least 6 cm before getting the epidural, but oh well. Anyways the epidural was a LIFE SAVER, omg. So we just kept waiting and waiting. 3 am, on WEDNESDAY morning, I was a 5. My nurses came in changed my position so I was sitting up. I prepped myself, and cleaned up in bed, brushed my teeth because I knew today was the day, well I hoped. At 8:30 am, they checked me once again, and I was a NINE (yay me!) and they told me I would be pushing in around 30 mins. So that's when my nerves rushed in lol. I started shaking uncontrollably. while everyone around me was celebrating, I was scared to death, but so anxious to meet my little boy. They came in said it was time for everyone to head to the waiting room. Everyone kissed me goodbye, and said they would pray for me, made me know this was so real. So we started pushing, and pushing, and pushing and some more pushing. I had eventually just given up. I had laid in this hospital for 3 days, and I was falling asleep between contractions even though my pain was HORRIBLE, but I was just exhausted. After pushing for 2 hours, and feeling it all (including me tearing) I gave birth to the most precious blessing I have ever received. Nothing else mattered to me. I couldn't hardly even see him for the tears from me sobbing, hearing my husbands sobs made it even harder to stop.

My beautiful Gatlin Blake was born weighing 8 lbs exactly and 21 inches long, and covered in hair on July 19th, at 11:07 am.