Placenta Circumvallate!

Sara • Wife. 💍 Mommy to two beautiful earth babies & my angel twins 💕 TTC for 6 months, had our rainbow 11/29/17 ♥️
I was diagnosed with placenta circumvallate around 18 weeks, meaning my placenta is curved and doesn't not lay flat as it should. This occurs in 1% of pregnancies. 😫  It can cause baby girl to stop growing, or to not grow as she should AND preterm labor. (I had both of my kids at 36 weeks) and I'm on Makena shots every week to prevent pre term labor. 
Anyone else ever had this happen? How did baby turn out? And your health as well? 
I'm currently 24 weeks, she is measuring in the 18th percentile, if she were below 10% they would be concerned so she's RIGHT there just making it. Still growing okay though 🤞🏼💞