So I came in on Tuesday the 15th to be induced at 7pm

So I came in on Tuesday the 15th to be induced at 7pm. After about 8 hours of them implanting the pill, I was dialated to 2cm and about 60% effaced. After 2 hours they came and I was at a 3 so the doctor broke my water and started me on pitocin. After another two hours I was at a 4 and about 70% effaced. They gave me some meds to help with the contractions, it didn't get rid of the pain but it helped out a lot! So after they gave me the meds they had to turn off the pitocin because it was starting make baby's heartbeat drop. Well after 2 hours they checked again and I was at a 5 which was great cause I was making progress! At this point they gave me the epidural (it was my best friend!!!) and hooked me back on pitocin. Well two more hours and I had stop dialating at a 5 and baby's heartbeat started to drop again. At this point doctor said c-section, which for the health of our baby girl I definitely agreed because I was also not feeling the greatest. So they take me back and I am do week I end up falling asleep during the c-section. Well when I woke up our little one was about to be born. When she came out she wasn't crying. She wasn't breathing:(. Well so they took her to the warmer and started getting all the gunk out of her mouth and nose. Which turned out that all the meds and pitocin had stressed her out so she was having poop  movements. But as soon as they got that stuff out she let out the biggest cry. I was so happy!!!!!!! So my hubby stayed mainly with her so that way I was sure she was safe. When they took us back to our room I was the first one to hold her except doctors of course to hold her. Well I gave her to my hubby and I ended up passing out until 12:00 on wed. When I woke up again I held my little girl for the longest time. Our little girl was born Wed August 16th at 9:59 weighing at 7lbs 2oz and 19.5 inches long. The same weight and length as I did when I was born.