Cervical mucus ?

Cynthia • 20, engaged and ttc.
I'm just curious as to what my cm should look like ? Before I ovulated it was cloudy sticky white and alot of it. Then I had the egg white 2 days before my positive opk. Then everytime after that it's been watery. When I check it it's watery and like medium , not so much it's caked on my finger but it's definitely there. And alot of times it's in my panties. I haven't had any of the white sticky kind since before I ovulated. Also my cervix is really high an hasn't come down. I can stick my entire middle finger in there and just barely feel it each time. Been a couple of time I couldn't feel it at all. Just wondering if anyone has insight on why it's not changing. I miscarried on the 7th of march and ovulated on cycle day 19 after that. It has now been 13 days past my positive opk.