I just want new mom's to be aware

Samantha • Military wife 4-28-12 😍, 🌈 baby Logan James 6-2-17 💚 after two losses

be so proactive about your health. Specifically if you have recently had a child and are experiencing shortness of breath, abdominal pain, and random sweating. You could have peripartum cardiomyopathy. I was having random bouts of pain so bad I was going to the ER, then the sweating and shortness of breath. I was told over and over it was psychological, it was from my PPD. Then I went to visit my aunt, a nurse of 30 years, she sent me an article after I described my problems and said to show it to my doctor. Turns out that's the likely problem (first heart test says yes but they want to confirm with a second one). It's treatable when caught, but can be deadly when it's not or cause life long issues if caught very late. I'm not saying this to scare anyone, it's only about 10% of women who get it and even then a lot of their bodies heal themselves without treatment, but I had never heard of it and it's pretty bad at this point. If I can help another person get help sooner I would like to. Mine is bad enough there's a chance I may not be able to handle a second pregnancy which breaks my heart, but I'm so glad my aunt is so smart (nurses rock), and that there is a solution to all the pain and exhaustion.