Shouting my abortion!


Abortion is a normal option to a crisis pregnancy, and as we know, it's often not an easy decision to make. For some us, we know the need for an abortion as soon as we see the two lines on the pregnancy test. Some of us may chew on the decision alone, others talk it over with their partner, family or friends. Many are wildly aware of needing to make a swift decision with grief and worry about the developing pregnancy, or feeling confined by state laws for how far along you may be for an abortion.

Abortion is normal. The National Abortion Federation (NAF) shares a lot of interesting facts on their website. I encourage women to be educated of their options and the laws governing their bodies.

I was raised southern baptist. My first abortion was when I was 24. I didn't think I could get pregnant due to PCOS and had not been using birth control regularly. I got an abortion because at that time I did not want to be a mom and still hadn't made my way out of poverty. I felt guilty and smothered my feelings with booze and pot because I thought I was a bad person. I had learned shame so well at home, school, church, TV and magazines, etc. Our culture does an amazing job of teaching us shame, but does not celebrate self care.

I realized how I hadn't really forgiven myself for my abortion. I worked through the emotions, really allowing myself to understand where my shame was coming from. I forgave myself because I learned we all make mistakes or choices that may hurt others - and such is the human condition.

My second abortion was when I was 27 and entering nursing school. There was just no way I could tolerate that interruption. I had worked so hard to get where I was and needed to end the pregnancy. I felt such a relief to be able to have this abortion and keep my course through school.

I am 36 now, I am fulfilled in work as an abortion doula, am with an amazing partner and look back on my abortions as "the right moves" in my life at those times. I am considering trying for a baby next year. Thanks for letting me share my story.

"Women who have babies and women who have abortions are the same women at different points in their lives"