Doctors appointment not what I wanted to hear


So I failed my one hour glucose test (just the beginning). I have only gained 13 lbs my whole pregnancy but this last month it was 7lbs at once which my doctor is very unhappy about. My baby is now measuring 36 weeks when I'm only 30 weeks so now I need to take a 3 hour test and if I fail that I have to go get checked twice a week and I need to go on a diet as of today, he also said if I gain more he wants to do an earlier c-section than what we set. i also have been getting multiple Braxton hicks contractions and my doctor said because the baby is so big my body is trying to get ready for labor even if he's not. I've had 3 kids this is my 4th and I've never had to deal with this and none of my kids have come early . So I'm very stressed out and scared, I'm starting my diet but just the idea of everything is scary.