scary, but wonderfull surprise


So our little October baby decided she wanted to be an August baby instead.

It took us 4,5 years, a chemical, a miscarriage and 5 ICSI treatments to conceive baby # 2 and my biggest fear was another miscarriage or preterm labour.

Tuesday morning at my regular 29 week check up everything was perfect. By evening my water broke and we were rushed to the ER. I was given a shot to help mature the lungs and medicine to stop contractions. Had 10 hours of contractions every 5 minutes, then by morning they came back to back and they decided on a c section. Baby had been head down at the check up, but our little devil had turned back to breech by evening.

Sofia was born safely within 5 minutes. She is tiny, but stable and breathing on her own. Doctors say she made an awesome start. I was able to see and touch her. She grabbed my thumb with her fingers. I hummed and talked to her and she reacted to my soothing voice. I thought I would be a blubbering mess, but when I was with my tiny munchkin, I had never felt so calm in my life.

What was my biggest nightmare, turned out to be my biggest blessing.

The app won't let me post a picture. I will do so later.