Baby #3 is...another girl

Ama • wife & mama to four amazing girls, ages 11(4/2013) , 9( 2/2015), 6 (12/2017) and 2 months (5/2024)!

Confirmed at my anatomy scan this week- I'll be 22 weeks tomorrow. My husband was convinced this would be a girl from the very beginning but all the wives tales were in my favor of having a boy. My family is super excited and please don't get me wrong I am happy the baby is healthy and we're both doing fine - no complications and ultimately another healthy pregnancy...but as I lie here in the middle of the night the reality of not ever having a little boy really has me feeling down 😩🤦🏾‍♀️😒. I feel so silly- there's women and families struggling with fertility issues I feel so incredibly guilty feeling even just a tad disappointed 😔. I know this is my last pregnancy so if anything it's that and the fact that my "mom to girls" fate didn't change after my first two (pictured below- my 4 yr old on the left and my 2 1/2 yr old on the right)

To moms of three with all kids being the same gender... did any of you feel like this???? Again I am happy knowing another beautiful little girl is on the way I guess it's just my own selfish fantasy of wanting to know what a son would've looked like and would've been and now knowing it's staying in a fantasy is what's getting me down. And the fact that prior to my two girls, my husband already had a daughter so I was hoping to give him a baby boy lol 😂 . Poor guy right? Lol