Little Miss Perfect


I was diagnosed with preeclampsia so my labor has to be induced at 37 weeks exactly. My induction started at 7:00 pm on August 13,2017. They placed in a pill called cytotec and a foley balloon catheter as well as placing me on pitocin. They also added traction ( a bag of fluid that hangs from the end of the foley balloons that is not allowed to touch the floor). At 1 o'clock on Monday morning they removed the balloons and gave me a shot to slow my contractions because my baby wasn't responding well to my labor. My contractions were about 2 minutes apart. After they removed the balloons I asked for an anbien to help me sleep because I was severely uncomfortable. I was about to get about 3 hours of sleep. The doctors returned at 8 am. They broke my water and placed in an internal monitoring system to track my babies reaction to my labor. By this point I was at 3 centimeters and 75% effaced . I was checked again every hour. At 9:00 am I was 4 centimeters and 80 % effaced. I asked for Morphine which was used to manage the pain. At 10:00 am I was 5 centimeters, 80 % effaced and at a -2 station. I was pretty out of it during the labor after this. I woke up at 12:43 pm with the urge to push. I told my nurses that I had to poop and they checked me and said that I was 10 centimeters and I was at a +3 station. They drained my bladder and I started to push. With 3 pushes my baby was born at 12:59 pm. She weighed 5 pounds and 8.4 ounces. She is 19 i

nches long and, she is

absolutely perfect!