We planned a home birth but our baby girl wanted it the hard way

We planned a home birth but our baby girl wanted it the hard way. 
Labored well at home but we had to transfer to the hospital for late decelerations due to the position of the baby. She was posterior and asynclitic and baby girl had no want to change the way she descending. I ended up going for an epidural after an hour of unsuccessful laboring at the hospital. Epidural didn't relax me or her enough for her to come out. Csection it was. The second epidural didn't do enough for me and I could still feel pain so I had to be put under completely. The surgeon said my uterus hemorrhaged so bad I almost got a hysterectomy. She was able to stop the bleeding with special stitches. We also found out she was nuchal hand (her hand was on her forehead) she's made up for the ENTIRE birth plan being tossed by being an amazing baby though. Patches well, sleeps well, isn't super fussy. We couldn't be happier 💕
Addison Mae 
8/13/17 8:33pm 
20 inches long
7 lb 14oz