Depressed... :(:( Need to vent

My bf and I are happy together and I'm ready to have kids with him, but he's not ready to have one with me... He has a son already with another girl and he says he's not ready for another... I get so depressed when my af comes all I do when I'm on it is cry...

He's scared, I know because his ex tricked him into having a kid with her. He knows I'm not like that and wouldn't just leave him as soon as I get pregnant. I had a miscarriage at the beginning of March and we didn't find out until the end of the month. We were preparing for the baby to come... Looking at bigger places, looking at things for the baby's room and even picking out baby names for girls and boys... When we found out that I'd lost the baby, he was as upset as me.

I got my af yesterday and I was upset in bed all day because I'd been having pregnancy symptoms for the past week... (I know the difference between my period symptoms and pregnancy symptoms.) I had sore boobs for about 2 weeks before and nausea and frequent urination. I usually get sore boobs and cramps, sometimes headaches a few days leading up to my period.