Not sure what to think please help


Ok ladies I'm very confused at this moment .... I'm 2 weeks late for af and have been having the following symptoms -

Nausea and vomit

Always tired

Feel like I have been sucking on Kees or like a blood taste

Nose congestion I can't shake 


Peeing all the time 

Boobs hurt 

Always hungry

Nothing sounds good to eat

And everything makes me feel like ima puke

Light cramps on my right side 

3 faints and one darker line this morning 

Easily irritated and emotional 

Excessive cm milky and light smelling 

Bloated feeling 

I took another test today and it was positive .... I went in for a beta test yesterday and got the results back just a few min ago .... It was less then 1 so negative for pregnancy ..... Has anyone had this happen and still been pregnant .... My nurse was super confused as well so ima talk toy dr again tomorrow and see what's going on