Soooo discouraged! 😣

Hailey • I love my family! We have two babies, a 3 year old and a 10 month old. I’ve used Glow to help conceive both babes!
We have been TTC 9 months now 😞 and recently I started Clomid because my Dr discovered I wasn't ovulating. A lot of the reviews on Clomid said they conceived their very first month.. I'm on my second cycle using clomid and I just don't feel like it will work for me.. I'm so discouraged we won't ever get pregnant! I do believe in Gods timing, it just gets SO hard sometimes to beleive it will just happen.. Everyone says stop worrying it will happen.. What if it doesn't?! What if I'm infertile! 🙊
I just need some reassuring is all.. And I feel like this is the only place I can truly vent. Words of encouragement ENCOURAGED! 😊❤️ thanks for reading.