It happened soooo fast

It happened soooo fast!!
First off I had my son at 39&3 so I thought baby girl would come sooner... I was wrong I was due aug 17th and had no signs of labor.... woke up took a shower on the 18th( today @40+1) and 830 am I got a pretty bad contraction
They stayed consistent.. so I told hubby to head home from work around 10.. made it to the hospital at 11.
They didn't have any triage beds open so they had me walk the lobby... finally 11:40 they had a bed. Got all hooked up and checked and the nurse told me I was already a 9!!!!!! ( mind you I had been a 4 since 38 weeks) 
I was shocked, the nurses were shocked becasue I was all smiles! The nurses called me a show off 
Then I get admitted, got to labor in the tub for about 30 min.
Then my contractions got very intense, it was time to push!! She was out in 3 pushes!!
Born at 1:03pm 8lbs 11 oz!! All natural!She left me with 3 minor tears!!(thank goodness I had a 3rd degree tear with my son and he was a pound smaller!)
She's soooooo stinking cute and I just love her to pieces 
She's a chunker and a great breastfeeder!!