An endless battle to keep my twins


I thought I'll share my story with other woman out there who are also struggling for their babies.

My pregnancy started as perfect my symptoms were almost nothing! Babies were growing healthy and strong I literally continue with my life just as before I was pregnant exercise, swimming, the beach, long walks everything felt perfect... until week 23 when they measured my cervix and was 9mm, they literally told me I should be preoared to deliver in the next few days, in this time I was abroad and the only flight I could find back home was 23 hour flight ( I was in Israel, and I'm from Mexico City )

The doctor there were terrible telling me I has contractions but wouldn't treat me because my babies weren't "viable", so I took the flight.. I knew if I stayed there the possibilities for them would be 0! I flew Tel Aviv - Frankfurt- Mexico City it was the scariest flight I've done in my life!!. Once here I went to my doctor who had me on hospital bed rest everytime they had try to take the IV off the contractions come again.

I've has had the steroids injections, and TONS of medication trying to keep them inside .

Yesterday they took me for an ultrasound cause my leg was hurting very bad, if nothing could get worst it did!! I has thrombosis which is a clot in my leg and is very dangerous cause it can travel to you heart or lungs and that's the end for you.

Today they took me for an emergency cirgury and placed a "filter" near my Heart veins in case the clot decides to travel.

Everyday I have tried to be positive for them but is just too overwhelming!! :( today also they told me because of this condition they will take them out on week 28 other way it would be too risky for them.

O guess just writing here makes me feel a little better, and telling my story might help other mommies out there struggling!!