Are any of you still working,while pregnant?

I'm a full time worker,I wake up at 3am everyday (only have like 4 hrs of sleep) I travel 1 hr to work going and coming back home,I'm hardly eating.I am 4 weeks pregnant and I feel super sick everytime I'm in the road and it messes up my day.My job requires me to be on my feet my whole shift and carry heavy stuff at times.After work my legs get swollen and I've been getting pains in my back and waisr.Everytime I'm off i feel fine.No pain,no stress,and get enough sleep.I just don't know if I'm over dueing job is just extra money for me and my husband,it's not really necessary for me to work but I don't want to just leave it unless it's something that is not helping my pregnancy.I just want to know how everyone manages to work while being pregnant! I am considering a job closer to my home though..maybe lol