My Induction Story!

Becka • Good vibes only ☮️ 21•Mommy to O.K.M.

Since I've gotten some rest and a little bit of free time I figured I'd tell how my Birth went! I was scheduled to be induced at 4 in the morning on Thursday 8/17, I was beyond excited to finally have my little guy here! I did not sleep AT ALL the night before, too much was going through my mind, my brain just did not want to shut down. I got to the hospital and by the time I got checked in it was 4:30, my Doctor originally told me on Tuesday that I was going to be getting the pill first that thins out your cervix but apparently things changed and since I had already been thinned to 70% and dilated to 3cm I no longer needed the pill. My nurse put in my iv and started the pitocin at 15 minutes after 5. 30 minutes passed before she came back and checked on me, I wasn't feeling anything at all, then she realized why- she forgot to unclamp the part of the iv that allowed the medicine to start flowing through 😅 she fixed her mistake and by 6:30 I was starting to feel slight contractions. I tried to rest but I absolutely could not, so I laid in bed playing games on my phone lol. My nurse came in a hour later and checked me to see if I had progressed any, I still was at 3cm, she then upped the amount of pitocin she was giving me and left for another hour, when she came back and checked me this time I was at 4cm and she had my doctor with her who suggested we break my water to help speed things along, she broke it and by 9 my contractions started to pick up more. I was able to breathe through them then about 9:30 they started getting really bad to where I couldn't. I asked for pain medication, the nurse had to check me again, I was still at 4cm. The pain medication kicked in and left me feeling high and sick off my ass rather than helping. By 10:15 I was begging for an epidural. The anesthesiologist came in and went over everything with me and started to poke my back, holy hell this was so painful. He couldn't find the right spot in my spine so I constantly kept feeling a sharp shooting pain down my spine. He finally found the spot and by 10:45 I was laying down and could feel absolutely nothing from the waist down, my left leg was so heavy from epidural that I couldn't even move it on my own. This time I figured since I couldn't feel anything I should really get some rest, so I laid down and at 11:55 my nurse comes running into my room telling me that I've been having crazy heavy contractions in the past hour and asked to check me, I laughed because I couldn't feel any of it and agreed to it. She checked me and said "oh my god I can't believe this, you're already at 8cm!!" I was so shocked I went from 4cm to 8 in less than a hour... she then left to call my doctor (she was at the ob office working) and came back to start setting up everything. 12:30 rolls around and my doctor STILL isn't in the building. The office is only 15 minutes away. By this time I started feeling pressure on my cervix and in my butt area so I asked to be checked again, she checked me and this time she said I was complete and ready to go. My doctor got into my room at one and this time I couldn't hold back, she quickly dressed herself and I started pushing. I pushed and pushed and pushed and finally at 1:29 p.m. My beautiful baby boy was here 💙 so many emotions were running through my body, I didn't know what to do, I was honestly in shock that I had just pushed a baby out of me, it felt like a dream. It was the most beautiful experience ever. My baby boy weighs 6lbs 7oz and is 20' long. He is absolutely perfect in every way possible ☺️

Oh and also after he was out my doctor spend 20/25 minutes sewing me back up because I had a 2nd degree tear 😩

Definitely look like shit in this picture but I don't care, my body had just done the most beautiful thing it could ever do and I was so proud 💗 I'm head over heels in love with my baby boy 😭