vbac induction



Have any of you ladies been induced for your vbac? I'm due my second child tomorrow but my body hasn't been progressing towards labor so I will be induced with pitocin next weekend if baby hasn't arrived. Just curious if any of you ladies have experience with this?

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Posted at
I will be having a VBAC in October. If I don't go into labor on my own I will be getting induced as well. I got pregnant at the 6th month mark of my c section so I think you'll be just fine. Just prepare your mind and body for the pain. Pitocin I hear causes far worse contractions than a natural birth.


Teleya • Jan 23, 2018
I got induced. I was in labor 30 hours. Got my epidural at 4cm and pushed for under an hour. My son was born at 10:53AM October 18th. All I had was foley bulb and pitocin.


Ann • Aug 25, 2017
Yes pitocin does it cause the contractions to be right on top of each other and very painful. I got an epidural at 4cm with pitocin contractions and without pitocin I got to a 8 before I needed any pain meds. I was induced with my c section and I wasn't induced with my vbac.


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I was told by my doctor that they will never induce after a C-section due to all the complications. but I hope u have a smooth labor.


Kaye • Aug 20, 2017
Same. Very risky.


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I was told absolutely no induction with vbac due to the greater risk of uterine rupture. Even on my vbac papers it states it isn't recommended


Krystle💖 • Feb 18, 2018


Megan • Feb 18, 2018
My dr said that pi toxin is the only thing she can use but ONLY if I’m already in labor and it’s just being used as an aid. The risk of rupture is too great when they try to force your body into labor.


Kaye • Aug 20, 2017
I'm so sorry you went through that.


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I wasn't induced went into labour naturally but they used pitocin in small amounts to speed up labour. no pain relief and successfull vbac. Had I been able to speak with the contractions I would have requested pain relief. 😂 Good Luck!


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My doctor also told me that induction is not an option. They'd just move to a c-section rather than risk complications from inducing.


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I’ve always heard induction was out the window once you’ve had a c-section.


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My OB will absolutely not induce using pitocin for me. I had an emergency csection 7/2013 and am hoping for a vbac this time. He has stated that if my cervix is favorable, they will use cervadil and break my water to try to bring on labor but absolutely no pitocin. I’m 34 weeks and already at least 3cm dilated (according to my last check-I’ve been having preterm labor issues) so there will be no need for the cervadil.


Megan • Feb 18, 2018
I think it’s so interesting to see different doctors takes on this. My dr said absolutely no cervadil or cytotec because the risk of rupture is way to great. She said the only thing she could use is Pitocin but only as an aid if I’m already in labor. 🤷🏼‍♀️