Omg im so happy!


So last night my husband and i were laying down watching a movie after a bad day. We argued, i woke up in a bad mood, and just everywhere.

My husband and i decide to watch a new movie we both wanted to watch(took us a while but we got one) and started to watch.

As im laying down, i put my hand on my waistline because i am 17 weeks and 3 days pregnant and so i love to put my hand there to see if i do feel anything.

💥 BAM 💥 i feel my baby "kicking". At first its was subtle so it just felt like little thumps. Then it started to get stronger. It was unbelievable. It happened throughout the movie(well half of it since i got tired) i took my husbands hand put it on my waist and said feel. As soon as he felt the hard one, his face was like a kid going to disneyland for the first time. He was baffled and i was crying. Tears of joy.

I know these arent the baby's full on kicks or anything. I think its quickening but those hard ones did feel like a kick. Maybe because my babies legs were positioned there.

Knowing after a bad day what a little one can do to make it better. There's a first time for everything. I am so grateful for everything.