In laws?

Do you get along with your in laws? My husband has 4 sisters. I get im an in law but they don't include me in activities that they per take in. And I also get that they don't have too either. Me and my husband moved away from my family to be closer to his. At first I thought it would be a great thing to do. But I'm completely alone. I mean I have met friends out here. But to me family is more important. My family is very close and they always made sure my husband felt welcomed and comfortable. His family on the other hand doesn't do that. On social media they don't go as far as liking or commenting on post or pictures I post. & I mean we are all grown adults and I kind of feel childish for feeling this way. Although social media isn't the issue here. I have tried to get closer to them but I feel like I don't fit in.