Right or wrong?

I want opinions. I am 21 and have an amazing 1 year old and an awesome husband. I have always had a job and my babies are my world, but there's one thing. I am a MAJOR pot head.. marijuana. BLUNTS. I LOVE them. I have always had severe anxiety disorder and bipolar depression and marijuana actually helps me in many ways. With nausea, energy, headaches, body pain, back pain. I live in a NON legal state, but anything under 28 grams of possession is only a misdemeanor ticket. Am I being irresponsible? Am I on the road of becoming an addict? Am I a bad mom?

I also want to add that I did not start smoking until after I had my son, because unfortunately postP depression sky rocketed all of my already existing anxieties. I DO NOT smoke cigarettes or do any other types of "drugs". When I smoke, I don't do it to get high and party. I smoke some of a blunt, put it out and I'm good for a while then I do it over again.