C-section Right Side Pain


Hi ladies im 11 weeks pp. I have a story I would like to share and see if any of you have gone thru this... So I delivered my 2nd baby girl on 31st of May, her due date was June 4th. Anyways during my C-section I could of feel pain as they were pulling back my organs when they finished I was taken to our room, few hours later they wanted me to walk around and pass gas 🙄 so as my 1st time standing up to go to the restroom I had a accident of blood everywhere so they clean me up very embarrassing but I couldn't do nothing about it, 3 hours later we tried again and everything went perfect but there goes my pain again the next day I felt the pain even stronger, it hurted when I would breath, talk, move ECT, it was so painful that I cried so loud I would call my nurse all the time and she would tell me it's because I haven't passed air and I told her that I know how it feels when you can't pass air, as my tears were rolling down and my nurse all that wanted to do was drug me for the pain I keep telling her something is wrong and she just keep telling me to relax that the cause was the gas, so I had to call in my nurses boss and told her and she would press on my stomach and again worst pain ever, the pain was stronger then my c section surgery to be honest I was crying again and she said ima send the ultrasound Tech, 4 hours later they came did the ultrasound 30 to 40mins later they came with the results and it came out to be gash gallbaldder something like that not gallbladder stones gash or gush gallbladder, they said it's common for pregnant women, ok so the next day they told me to schedule an appointment with primery doctor so we can set up a date for a removal of a gallbladder

when they were sending me home... So I obviously didn't call my doc right when I got home, I went for my painkillers instead so days pass when I finished my pain killers I've noticed that I didn't have the pain and to this day I don't feel it thank god.. But should I worry? I been lagging on calling my doc but has anyone gone thru this?