Dear Husband


Dear Husband

Here we are again..... bedrest. I can see it on your face,  the worry, the stress, I can see it all. We will look back on this in the years  to come and won't remember how hard this was. We will look at our 3 children and know it was worth every second of heartache but for now well for now "it sucks". The people who haven't been here might think " oh bedrest, a blissful time to sit, do nothing,  relax" but unfortunately we know all too well that's far from the truth. Bedrest for me means the worry, and pressure of my body doing what it is meant to do and keeping our unborn child safe. It means medicine, shots, i.v's, monitors, and pain. Not just physical pain but emotional and mental pain.  I feel like a burden on you and my family no matter how many times you tell me differently. Bedrest for me means tears, lots of tears but we will make it, not a doubt in my mind we will make it.

Bedrest for you my dear husband is much different but is it easier?  Absoluetly not. You work a stressful job, a rewarding but a very stressful job, and although you always help with our children and house you now will juggle it all. You will continue your day job, and now add my many hats to yours.  Our children will now not just depend on you for fun they will depend on you for their every want and need. I can hear your patience running thin as you are online trying to pay our pile of never ending bills and our daughter has asked you at least 75 times to play, but do you complain? Nope, you close the computer and begin to imagine you are a prince and she is Cinderella.  You dance with her in the living room and for those few minutes you forget your worry. I can see your tired eyes, how weary and exhausted  you are when I wake you during a contraction but do you complain? Nope, you smile and make a joke because you know im hurting and you would do anything to take my pain away. I witness the frustration and aggravation  you encounter when I rise from bed. You want to tell me to lay down, don't get

up, you will take care of whatever it is  but do you say anything?  Well sometimes lol but most of the time you shake your head and help me up with the ocassional smack on the butt. You acknowledge that I need this 1 minute, I need it to feel worthy. I need this 60 seconds to feel like a mom, a wife, a human. So today dear husband I want to let you know I see you and all that you do and I want to thank you. Thank you for everything you do for our family. Madalyn, Cameron, baby #3 and I are blessed to call you ours. I love you.