DH won't tell his mom I'm pregnant.

Sarah • Proud mommy of Lucas Alan <3

I've miscarried twice so it made sense to wait a little while... I told my grandmother and sisters right away and announced on Facebook finally after family sorta let the cat outta the bag anyway but his mom doesn't have facebook or anything and he has no other family too tell... when I told him the plan to announce 2 weeks ago he was fine with that but wanted to announce to his mom with a mug and didnt want me there. I bought her a mug and now he still hasn't told her. we are in week14 and I am already showing and every day I ask him when he is going to tell and he goes over there every night but doesnt tell her. We literally live a few blocks away so I have been avoiding her. what gives??? why wont he tell her? His mother and I get along just fine... it's really weird to me :/

**UPDATE: Finally we have had a communication breakthrough! He admitted he was worried about the way she would react and finally tonight he told her. :) all is well, she is nervous but aside from that it was fine. I respected his wishes and did not come with him to tell her and now we can both sigh with relief because at least thats over and we understand each other a little better!!**