Little kids speak what's on their minds ❤️

Jessie • Stay at home Mom to a wonderful daughter. Married to my best friend. After 4 years TTC 4 rounds of IVF proud twin boy mama. Loving life each day as it comes.

My husband and I took out daughter to the zoo today. While looking at one of the exhibits I sat in the shade and waited for them. This little girl maybe 3 cutest thing ever. Said MOMMY MOMMY IS SHE HAVING A BABY SHES HAS BIG BELLY MOMMY IS SHE HAVING BABY? Very loudy excited like little kids get. The mom got very very embarrassed that the little girl said that so she was heard. When the little girl walked bye me staring at me lol. I said to her. I am not having a baby I am having TWO baby's. Her face lit up and so excited and yelled to her mom she's having two babies mommy. Lol. Mom apologized she felt bad and said she didn't want to assume so she just redirected her daughter. lol. I love little kids ❤️❤️