⛈😢 depression? Or pregnancy?

Pregnant with my 3rd. And I was so happy when I found out. We were trying to conceive so it was a complete joy. I just entered my second trimester. And I'm suddenly feeling so down. So tired and un-motivated. The slightest act of negativity, anger or irritation from others always feels like a direct shot at me. I feel like I take everything personally and I beat myself up about every mistake. I worry that my close friends and family are talking about me behind my back. I worry that I'm being judged. My husband and children and I recently moved about an hour and a half away from home.. it was hard for me, but I love our new home and being close enough to still see my village. But I feel like maybe some people resent me for moving. Recently I even feel like my closest friend is drifting apart from me even though I try so hard to be there for her. This is hard for me because real friendships are so far and few for me. I want to tell her how I feel, but when I've tried to in the past it seems so irritate her.. so at this point I would rather just retreat and give it space, hoping that helps. And I want to talk to my husband but I don't know what to say.. how to explain my feelings to him. I'm so worried that he won't understand.

I'm a stay at home mom for my daughters and I love that I'm able to be there for them. But my husband works really long hours. I see him rarely and we barely ever get to spend quality time together as a family. I feel lonely.. left out... paranoid about everything. I feel like all of the worry falls on my shoulders. I'm overwhelmed and exhausted constantly. I've never felt this way before. I'm worried that I'm falling into a depression and that it will only get worse. Lately I feel like it's just one thing after another and some days I feel hopeless. I just want to be in my Jammie's all day watching tv. And I've had no interest in food.

I know there's a huge hormonal change going on in my body already, so it's hard to know what this is. But has anyone else ever experienced anything like this? My mother and grandmother were both depressed and still take antidepressants. My mom is always telling me how much she'd like to get off of them but can't.. I've never wanted to be on antidepressants because of this but also never thought I would have this issue or feel this way. And this is so confusing to be feeling during pregnancy, when I'd normally be glowing, happy and enjoying every moment. This is my last pregnancy.. I can't believe I'm feeling like this when I just want to enjoy every moment. Please give me any insight... thank you.