Baby Ellie is born!!

Kaitlynn • Ellie Sue. Born August 20th, 2017 ❤️

On August 20th my water broke at 1:15 am! We went straight to the hospital and I ended up having her at 9:04 am! I had an amazing nurse that helped so much with my labor, I didn't even end up using any pain meds. My birth plan went exactly how I planned! I was able to use a birthing ball, warm bath, walking around, squat bar, different positions. I was worried I wouldn't be able to because my first nurse just wanted me to sit in bed on the monitors!! Luckily there was a shift change. I also had a lot of help from my fiancé, my mom and my sister! My OB doctor was on vacation so I had someone new I never even heard of. He ended up being amazing. I would definitely go to him for my next baby! Ellie ended up having the cord wrapped around her neck at birth and came out purple and lifeless. Within a minute or less, they had her up and crying. She has quite a bit of bruises but she's doing amazing. I'm pumping and they are feeding it to her through a syringe because she won't suck on a nipple. She was a week early according to my due date. She is 8 lbs 9 oz. 21 inches long! Can't wait to start this new chapter of my life. She's so precious 😍